The funds’ investment strategy focuses on acquiring and actively managing works by women, ethnic and cultural minority artists, contributing to a more equitable art market and minimizing the gender and ethnicity price gap.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith with her horse Cheyenne, 1992. © Courtesy of the artist and Garth Greenan Gallery, New York. Photo by Andy Ambrose.
Arte Collectum is actively involved in lending artworks to exhibitions through its existing global network. The loans help to promote the artists, the works and their value and make the art accessible to the public. Arte Collectum acts as activists through our focus on women and minority artists and as activators by promoting and accelerating the careers and price levels of marginalized artists.
Arte Collectum II AB (publ) will, among other things, acquire artworks from the primary market, thereby supporting artists and local art scenes.
Our book, Arte Collectum I - Other Stories, includes works acquired and artists represented in the first fund and has been disseminated to prominent institutions in the global art market, further activating and creating publicity for the artists and their works.
Historically, the art industry has marginalized women and minority artists. Figures from 2008 to mid-2022 show that only 3.3 percent of all auction sales represented female artists, while only 1.9 percent represented black artists (Burns & Halperin Report 2022). In 2024, art by women artists represented 13%, $535.2 million, of the total auction sales (ArtTactic, The Art Market 2024 Report: A Year in Review, January 2025). This suggests that while contemporary society has evolved considerably in this respect, a major shift is still needed to create a more equitable art market. Arte Collectum aims to contribute to this change through an innovative and socially responsible investment strategy.
Our short-term goal is to promote art by women and minority artists and our long-term goal is to contribute to a more equal art market and minimize the price gap across genders and ethnicities. Our goals thus incorporate three of the UN SDGs: (5) gender equality; (8) decent work and economic growth; and (10) reduced inequalities.
Our book, Arte Collectum I – Other Stories, highlights the artworks, their exhibition and publication history, and the artists represented in the first fund. The publication has been shared with prominent institutions and actors in the global art and financial markets, further activating and promoting marginalized artists.
The Arte Collectum I Collection
Omar Ba, Les vestiges d’une monnaie: cfa-éco, 2022. © Omar Ba. Courtesy of the artist and TEMPLON, Paris – Brussels – New York. Photo by Sebastiano Pellion Di Persano. Included in Arte Collectum I.
Arte Collectum strives to store artworks where they are acquired and only transports them long distances when necessary.
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Fourth Family Hexagon, 2013. © Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian Estate. Courtesy of James Cohan Gallery. Included in Arte Collectum I.
The Chair of the Investment Committee, Lars Nittve, has developed a sound and well-implemented investment strategy that contributes to the ongoing megatrend of revisionism. Lars has created a symbiosis in the art market and encouraged investors, collaborators, artists, galleries, museums and the media to understand and wish to be part of Arte Collectum and the socially sustainable recalibration of the art market.
Arte Collectum honors sustainability frameworks, such as the Paris Agreement and the EU Taxonomy. In addition, Arte Collectum reports annually to the UN-supported organization Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). Additionally, Arte Collectum is a member of the Gallery Climate Coalition, an international organization working to reduce the environmental impact of the art sector.
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