b"Martha JungwirthBorn in Vienna, Austria, in 1940, Martha Jungwirth graduated from the city's Akademie fr angewandte Kunst in 1963. Between 1967 and 1977 she taught at the same school. She was co-founder of the Viennese collective Wirklich-keiten (Realities), which exhibited from 1968 to 1972. Her painting bridges figuration and gestural abstraction ;some works have an easily recognizable motif while others seem completely abstract. What is seen depends to an un-usual extent on the interpretation of the viewer. Jungwirth has described her process as seismographic, registering her impressions of everything from travel, art history, and Greek mythology to politics, friends, and popular cul-ture. My pictorial reality is charged with passion, she says, a language tied to the body, to dynamic movement. Painting is a matter of form, and then it receives a soulthrough me. Her process is intuitive and experimen-tal but is balanced by her confident aesthetic sensitivity. Rhythmic brush-strokes, scratches, and fingermarks appear in pastose layers or thin washes on packing paper and cardboard, which are later mounted onto canvas. The physical, bodily character of the work is emphasized by her preference for sensual pinks, reds, and purples, colors evoking skin and flesh. The Omikron-Tagebuch series was made during the pandemic, as a way for Jungwirth to keep working and express her experiences during the iso-lation brought on by the pandemic. Exhibited in :Martha Jungwirth, Kunsthalle Dsseldorf, Dsseldorf, September 2November 20, 2022Literature /Press :Gregor Jansen and Alicia Holthausen, Martha Jungwirth, exh. cat., Dsseldorf : Kunsthalle Dsseldorf, 2022, illustrated, pp. 32, 146Das Corona-Gefngnis (Corona Prison), 2020Oil on paper on canvas 102 248235.32.5 cm 103"