b'Sheila HicksBorn in Hastings, Nebraska, in 1934, Sheila Hicks studied at Yale, with Josef Albers among others, from 1954 to 1959. She wrote her thesis on pre-Incaic textiles and traveled extensively in South America. From 1959 to 1964 she lived and worked in Mexico, where she taught at the Universidad Nacional AutnomadeMxico,MexicoCity,practicedweaving,photography, and painting, and began to collaborate with architects, among them Luis Barragn. She has since made many monumental works for public and corpo-rate buildings, including linen-and-silk bas-reliefs for Eero Saarinens TWA terminal at Kennedy airport. In 1964 she moved to Paris. She has continued to travel the world for work and inspiration, collecting and sharing knowledge.Hicks was among the pioneers who altered the status of weaving and textiles from craft to art, while at the same time she remained close to the textile industry. Her fiber sculptures gained recognition in the 1960s and 70s, when feminist art and Postminimalism contributed to a new appreci-ation of textile works. Her free use of traditional fabric construction tech-niques, such as knotting, plaiting, coiling, twining, and looping, allows for endless sculptural variations. Hicks is a great colorist, her work like painting expanding into space. Tension Discs Graviting L J P L M J, 2022 Synthetic fibers, cotton, linen, wool, and wood 88 103 cm (dia.) x 12 cm 89'