b"Omar BaOmar Ba was born in Senegal in 1977 and lives and works between Dakar and Geneva. He was educated at the cole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Dakar and completed a postgraduate degree at the cole Suprieure des Beaux-Arts,Geneva,in2005.AresidencyatNewYork'sInternational Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) in 2019 was cut short by the pandemic. Ba considers himself a nomad artist, finalizing his works in the city where the exhibition is being held. He draws on both African and European tradi-tions and his work is characterized by vibrant colors in a mixture of textures and techniquesoil paint, gouache, pencil, crayon, and india ink, on canvas or on cardboard. Bas hybrid approach to painting also appears in his motifs : I devel-oped this mix of the animal world, the human world, the political world, the mythological worldall mixed together. His abolition of boundaries and categories has social and political implications, but though Ba sees him-self as a witness of his times, his work is without any didactic messages or narratives. The painting Les vestiges dune monnaie : cfa-co (Dangerous Games 1) refers to the plans for a common currency, the CFA-eco, for the Economic Community of West African States. The meaning of this large-scale work, built up of small kaleidoscopic details made by drawing, is open to interpretation. Exhibited in :Dakar Biennale 2022, May 19June 21, 2022 Les vestiges d'une monnaie :cfa-co (Dangerous Games 1), 2022 Acrylic, pencil, oil, indian inkand Bic pen on canvas40 200150 cm"