b'Mak2Born in 1989 in Hong Kong, Mak2 (Mak Ying Tung 2) received a BA in Cre-ative Media from the School of Creative Media, University of Hong Kong, in 2013. She is best known for her playfully conceptual paintings. Her se-ries Home Sweet Home (ongoing since 2019) is based on the popular video game The Sims, whose players construct idyllic domestic homes for a virtual family. Mak2 takes screenshots of the dreamlike scenarios that she builds in the game, divides them into three, and uses the Chinese e-commerce web-site Taobao to commission a different artist to paint each third. The artists are given a minimum of information and cannot see the other sections, and when the parts are joined together, they show comical gaps and mismatches. Mak2 exposes the absurdity of the digital-game fantasy, the ideals it pro-motes, and the omnipotence with which the players create their worlds.Doll House 1 continues the series Home Sweet Home. Young people lounge around a rooftop swimming pool, but seem unaware of the luxurious setting, or of each other, since they are all absorbed by their smartphones. Although humorous, Mak2s work has a critical edge : Everyone is like working hard to become a commodity, she says, and social media exacer-bates this cycle. It is very tiring.Home Sweet Home : Doll House 1, 2022Oil and acrylic on canvas, triptych144 200150 cm145'